Breaking: Circuit Breaker extended till 01 June 2020. Tap on these government financial assistance for individuals and businesses

Circuit Breaker will be extended till 01 June 2020. Read on how to tap on the assistance and schemes provided by Government for individuals and businesses.

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announces in his national address on 21 April 2020 5 PM that Singapore Circuit Breaker will be extended till 01 June 2020. The current Circuit Breaker will be further restricted with more movement controls and less essential services.

More individuals and businesses may continue to be affected during the extended period of Circuit Breaker. Government has enhanced some of the financial assistance scheme for both individuals and businesses.


Further Financial Assistance Scheme for Individuals



Further Financial Assistance Scheme and Grants for Businesses

  • Special Job Support Scheme for April 2020 that subsidizes 75% of the first S$4,600 of gross monthly wages paid to local employees (Singaporeans and Permanent Residents) across all sectors extended to May 2020.
  • Job Support Scheme will now include eligible directors and shareholders (shareholder-directors) who are also employees.
  • Foreign Worker Levy waiver and rebate will be extended to May 2020.
  • Read the full list of government financial assistance schemes for businesses here:

COVID-19: Full list of government financial assistance schemes for businesses


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Will T
A frequent traveler who loves to act like a local, dress like a local and eat like a local wherever he travels. Loves food. Loves to write about everything in Singapore.

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