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Singapore Hokkien Lam Ann Festival 2024

September 13 - September 22

Lam Ann Festival Singapore

Singapore Hokkien Lam Ann Festival 2024 (新加坡福建南安文化节2024) is returning to celebrate Fujian culture and heritage from 13 – 22 September 2024 at the Lam Ann Association Building.

This 10-day festival will showcase a diverse range of activities, including insightful talks on health, feng shui, finger art, AI and more. Attendees can also enjoy vibrant Chinese cultural performances and participate in various competitions, from Mid-Autumn lantern painting, poetry readings to talk shows. Additionally, a food fair featuring Lam Ann delicacies and snacks will be available throughout the event.



Opening Hours 开放时间

  • Venue: Singapore Lam Ann Association Building / Mohamed Sultan Road [Map]
  • Date: 13 – 22 September 2024 (Friday – Sunday)
  • Time: 10:00am – 10:00pm


Lam Ann Food Fair Menu 南安美食菜单

  • Bun with Braised Pork 南安家乡扣肉包
  • Ngoh Hiang (Spiced minced meat wrapped in tofu skin) 五香卷
  • Savoury Rice Dumpling 咸粽
  • Braised duck 洪濑贻庆卤鸭
  • Chicken feet 洪濑鸡爪
  • Popiah 薄饼 / 润饼
  • Sweet Peanut Soup 花生汤
  • Orh Ku Kueh (Black Ang Ku Kueh) 黑龟粿
  • Mustard Greens Vegetable Rice 芥菜饭



Programme Highlights / Event Schedule 节目表

  • 13 September 2024 (Friday)
    • (11:00am – 12:00am) Opening Ceremony | 开幕仪式
    • (2:00pm – 3:30pm) Panel Discussion on Chinese Culture |《世界华人民间文化学刊》创刊号学刊絮论会
    • (7:30pm – 8:30pm) Talk on Chinese resistance fighter, Lim Bo Seng, by Chan Soo Sen | 纪念国家英雄林谋胜《烈士英魂》- 曾士生前政务部长
    • (7:30pm – 9:30pm) Children’s Chinese Cultural Performance (Cultural dance, Chinese crosstalk, poetry reading, riddle guessing, Wushu demonstrations, Chinese musical instrument performances) | 中华文化少儿才艺汇演 (华族歌舞,相声,武术表演,猜谜语,古诗词朗诵,华乐弹奏)
  • 14 September 2024 (Saturday)
    • (9:00am – 12:00pm) Mid-Autumn Lantern Painting Competition | 新加坡福建南安文化节灯笼绘画比赛
      • Click here to register. Registration closes at 9:00am on 14 September 2024.
    • (2:00pm – 3:30pm) Talk on Di Zi Gui | 敦品励学 从《弟子规》说起
    • (7:00pm – 9:00pm) Crosstalk, comedy, clapper talk, Lim Bo Seng commemorative video screening, reading of Lim Bo Seng’s letter to wife | 相声,喜剧小品,快板,特辑 《林谋盛纪念视频》,书信朗诵《林谋盛致妻子信》



  • 15 September 2024 (Sunday)
    • (11:00am – 12:30pm) Talk on compassion | 大度行善 《心怀大爱,无私奉献》
    • (3:30pm – 5:00pm) Talk on Chinese Choir in Singapore: Past, Present & Future | 中文合唱歌曲在新加坡过去60年的发展与未来展望
    • (7:00pm – 8:30pm) Talk on Life Choices | 择一事,世一生
    • (7:00pm) Theatre Performance: South of the Ocean (Down to Nanyang) | 南安歌剧表演:下南洋
  • 16 September 2024 (Monday)
    • (11:00am – 12:30pm) Legal talk on biggest money laundering case in Singapore | 新加坡最大洗钱案
    • (2:00pm – 3:30pm) In-depth discussion exploring the intersections between Lao Zi’s Dao De Jing and the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on society | 道德经与人工智能AI理想社会之深讨
    • (7:00pm – 8:30pm) Talk on Lee Kong Chian’s contribution to Chinese Education | 李光前先生与华文教育
    • (7:00pm – 9:30pm) Singapore Talkshow Competition | 新加坡派脱口秀比赛



  • 17 September 2024 (Tuesday)
    • (11:00am – 12:30pm) Health talk by Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution | 同济医院保健讲座
    • (2:00pm – 3:30pm) Talk by Nanyang Confucian Association | 南安乡亲在南洋孔教会
    • (7:00pm – 8:30pm) Talk on how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can enhance and simplify daily life | 让人工智能AI成为你得力的助手
  • 18 September 2024 (Wednesday)
    • (11:00am – 12:30pm) Talk and tips on Fengshui | 居家风水小贴士与出生年份尾数性格讲解
    • (2:00pm – 3:30pm) Talk on Genealogy book | 相册家谱
    • (7:00pm – 8:30pm) Talk on Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) & Direct School Admission (DSA) | 小六离校会考与中学直接收生计划



  • 19 September 2024 (Thursday)
    • (11:00am – 12:30pm) Talk on dialects, clan associations and affiliations | 方言,会馆与认同
    • (2:00pm – 3:00pm) Personal discussion on life and construction project in Fujian | 我在福建的规划和建筑项目
    • (4:00pm – 5:30pm) Personal discussion on modern women in Singapore | 我眼中的新加坡新时代女性
    • (7:00pm) Singing Performance by Seniors | 南安千人谣
  • 20 September 2024 (Friday)
    • (11:00am – 12:20pm) Talk on Peranakan (Local Born Chinese) in Singapore | 消失在历史长河的先驱华人 《峇峇娘惹》
    • (2:00pm – 3:30pm) In-depth discussion on arts in Nanyang | 南洋美术探析
    • (7:00pm – 8:30pm) Talk on young people’s perspectives on earning a living | “”挈钱免向腰” 谈年轻人“赚食”观



  • 21 September 2024 (Saturday)
    • (11:00am – 12:30pm) Health Talk: Separating fact from fiction about heart health | 健康讲座:真假网上心脏常识
    • (2:00pm – 3:30pm) Finger art sharing session | 指画分享
    • (7:00pm – 8:30pm) Small group learning on doing charity | 《笑看风云行善路》导读会
  • 22 September 2024 (Sunday)
    • (10:00am – 1:00pm) Poetry reading competition | 古诗词朗诵比赛
    • (2:00pm – 3:00pm) Health Talk: Improving sleep quality | 如何提高睡眠质量
    • (7:00pm – 8:30pm) Nutrition Talk: How much do you know? | 亚健康知多少


List of All Activities



September 13
September 22
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Singapore Lam Ann Association Building 新加坡南安会馆
30 Mohamed Sultan Road 238974 Singapore + Google Map
+65 6737 3866
View Venue Website


Singapore Lam Ann Association
+65 6737 3866
View Organizer Website

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